Medical School

17 Types of People in Medical School

Ever wonder what kind of people are in medical school? Nerds? Smart-asses? Well, you’re not wrong…but there’s so much more than you think! It’s not wrong to even say that it’s similar to high school or college, to be honest. Here are the 17 most common types of people you see in medical school!

Ever wonder what kind of people are in medical school? Nerds? Smart-asses? Well, you're not wrong...but there's so much more than you think. Here are the 17 most common types of people in medical school. #medschool #medschoollife #medstudent #medicalstudent #medschooltips

Disclaimer: This is solely based on my opinions and observations, which may or may not be completely true.

1. The Gunners

You would think all med students are gunners right? Nope.

Even if they are lots of gunners, they won’t openly admit to it, of course. Because nobody likes them.

And they always look for opportunities to sabotage others. Stealthily.

Moral of the story: Don’t trust your classmate’s notes and study guides too closely.

2. The Jocks

You know, medical school really is similar to high school in many ways.

You have certain cliques, of course. But most people in medical school are just more chill. And probably less toxic because you do need a certain level of maturity to get this far (but some are just still immature).

And then you have the jocks.

Handsome. Works out, nice body. Stuck up. Thinks everyone loves them. Sticks with their own kind, mostly. And always hangs out with the “mean girls.”

Ah…speaking of which…

3. The Mean Girls

Yeah, and I do mean the mean girls from the movie Mean Girls.

They try too hard to dress all trendy/borderline against the dress code. They think they’re so gorgeous and everyone else is beneath them. Heavy makeup all day and all night. Entitled. Complains all the time. Parties all the time.

It’s like they’re trapped in high school social norms. Almost makes me feel bad.

You know, those girls.

It’s really interesting to see how people like that are going into healthcare providers…but then again half these people I’m about to list is probably of concern too, haha!

4. The Rich

Old money. New money. You have it all.

You’d be surprised how many med students have their parents pay for their tuition, rent, car, living expenses, and EVERYTHING.

The most fortunate group of students in school. Life’s got to be way easier without worrying about finance.

You’d spot these rich kids immediately by their designer bags. Air pods. Having the best medical instruments. Just always having the best and most expensive everything. And they aren’t afraid to flaunt it!

But a good chunk of med students budget their student loans.

Like me. 🙂

5. The Kiss Up

There’s that handful of students that kiss up to professors after the lecture. Or you just see them talking to professors for hours during office hours.

I don’t blame them. They’re just determined to get that good letter of recommendation.

6. The No-Show

If it’s not mandatory, you’ll never see them at school. Ever.

If it is mandatory, all they do is complain as why they need to be here.

Some people study better at home, which is understandable. And you don’t need to go to lecture in person to do well in medical school. Because lectures are typically all recorded.

I mean, isn’t it the best to study in your PJ’s and wake up whenever you want?

(They can’t get away with lab, though.)

7. The Cheater

I mean cheating on an exam or quiz. Yeah, it’s not uncommon in medical school.

You’ll see these people frantically look up answers on Google during a quiz during class.

Or because of the quarantine, put a cheat sheet next to their computers and sneak a couple points just to get a few questions right on the exam.

Do I think its worth it? Definitely not.

8. The Challenger

The one that thinks they know everything and challenges what the professor says. Or even what you say.

Because they think they’re always right. And they don’t trust anyone.

Yeah…they’re not very pleasant to be around. But it’s not uncommon in medical schools to have these types of people.

9. The Know-it-all That Doesn’t Know Anything

We’re medical STUDENTS. We obviously are in the process of learning in our medical career.

But there are always those arrogant kids that like to seem like they know everything to other people. When they actually don’t.

I actually have a huge rant on this that I’ll post on another post regarding these types of people. It’s a huge disturbance to learning for other people.

But just like the challenger, these people are just as, if not more, annoying as heck!

10. The Struggler

Medical school is HARD.

And there will be people who are struggling. And they are the same people that are aiming for a 69.5% in order to pass.

Because what do you call a medical student who gets C’s after they graduate? A doctor.

11. The All-Nighter

This is very common for students to pull all-nighters before a block exam!

Although it isn’t encouraged because the learning never stops. And it won’t be like college, where you have time to recover from pulling the all-nighter from an exam.

You pretty much start studying again after you take an exam. That’s how medical school rolls.

Unless you are feeling completely screwed for this next exam, most students spread out their studying and study every day to avoid this.

12. The Party Animal

They’re the ones that bring the college parties back in medical school.

And still, somehow pass their classes while hungover. They’ll also plan their studying and exams around parties.

It’s an accomplishment, honestly.

13. The One Involved in Everything

The one involved in student government, most of the club leaderships, tutoring, research, school tours, and more.

It’s amazing to be involved in all that and still have time to study.

I’m glad we have people like them to do stuff like this. Thank you for your contributions, even if it is to get yourself an elaborate CV.

14. The Early Bird

The first one to the 8am lecture.

The one that wakes up at 5am everyday. Works out. Showers. Eats breakfast. And goes to school to preview today’s lecture at 7am.

…And I barely have enough time to make coffee and drive to school to make it on time. I rather get an extra hour of sleep, thanks.

15. The Latecomer

The one that arrives 10 minutes into the lecture. And they have the walk of shame in front of the professor and the students to their seat.

Looks bad, so don’t do it.

Plus, you may miss important things that the professor says in the beginning.

16. The Mother

The mothers are the students I respect the most.

How they’re able to take care of the little ones and still maintain their grades, I have no idea. And here I barely try to get a workout in every day. Or even breakfast.


17. The 35+

I love these guys.

Super chill, super humorous, and super passionate about medicine.

The most mature of the bunch of kids in med school and they make it clear that they’re here to get a medical degree.

Glad to have them in our cohort!

And that’s my 17 types of people in medical school! Hope you found this super entertaining and informative. Although every school could be different, I really think most med schools have these types of people every year.

Also, check out my Top 10 Medical School Essentials to Survive. Be sure to follow me and get more content like this in the future!

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