Medical School

15 Best Gifts That Every Medical Student Would Want

Since the holiday season is approaching, what better time to give your friend, family, or significant other a gift to encourage them on their hard work throughout medical school. As a medical student, these are the things I would need and want the most during my medical education.

15 Best Gifts That Every Medical Student Would Want

1. Anatomy Coloring Book

As a medical student, what more fun is it to learn about anatomy that to color it in! In the little free time we have, it would be awesome to color in some important anatomical structures as we learn them. Way more fun than just brute memorization, as well as stress-relieving. I would highly suggest this to be a great pre-medical school gift or congratulatory medical school acceptance gift. This is because this book would probably be most appreciated when there is actually free time to color it.

I do want to caution the fact that not all anatomy books are good quality. The anatomy books I recommend are the ones that are very detailed and clinically oriented. Those are the ones that are most accurate and helpful for learning during medical school. So please, make sure you buy the correct ones.

These are the ones I suggest and would personally use:

2. Back Support

Medical students are hunched over the desk, studying all day. I personally bought one when I was one month into school because my back started hurting so much. These are lifesavers.

3. Medical Tool Bag

As a medical students, we are required to have many medical equipments during our education. The one thing I wanted and ultimately bought for myself, was a medical bag. It’s not too expensive but it was made life super easy when I could just bring all my tools in a nice professional bag.

The first one is the one I personally have and love. And there are other ones that my classmates also use and rave about.

3. A Quality Stethoscope

If you want to splurge on your loved one going to medical school, having a quality stethoscope will make their doctoring life so much easier. The ones required for school are pretty generic so having a good quality stethoscope makes a world of a difference when diagnosing patients accurately. There are so many different colors to choose from as well, but I personally like sticking to black for professionalism.

4. A Nice Pair of Scrubs

Every medical student needs a pair or two of scrubs for anatomy lab during dissection. Some even wear it as doctors because of how comfortable they are. What better gift to give?

5. Espresso Machine

Now, these are the luxury items that every coffee-addicted medical students wants in their life. Like me, for example. This would be a dream come true for many coffee lovers.

6. A New Laptop / iPad

Having a good laptop is essential in medical school because most importantly, we take our exams on our laptops. We study on our laptops. We have our notes on there. We research on it. It’s our life. Get a good one.

7. A Fun Mug

If you don’t have that much money for your dear loved one, getting a cute, witty mug would put a smile on their faces any day. Plus, who doesn’t need more mugs? My favorite one is “look at you becoming a doctor and…”

9. Airfryer / Crockpot / Instant Pot

No time to cook as medical students because you are too busy studying? No worries, have machines do it for you. I got an airfryer and it makes my life so much easier and healthier.

10. Amazon Prime

As a medical student that has Amazon Prime, I can’t live without it. It’s too convenient. You can get most items in two days or less. Another lifesaver in our busy lives. Here’s a link from me for your free 30-day trial Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial""” data-type=”URL” data-id=”Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial""” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>here.

11. Noise Canceling Headphones

Another necessity. Most people can’t study when their environment is noisy. So, having a good noise-canceling pair of headphones is crucial in our studying lives. Whether it’s studying with loud neighbors, studying at Starbucks, or studying on a long flight. They will greatly appreciate a high-quality pair of headphones.

These are the ones I use and highly recommend.

12. Home Workout Equipment

Don’t have time to the gym? Well, nowadays with COVID running rapant, you have to stay home and still stay in shape. Now, how do we do that? Get your home gym workouts going. You’ll just need a few equipments, though.

My boyfriend uses and loves the adjustable dumbbells, for being compact and space-saving. And for me, those resistance bands just make my workouts more intense with less time commitment. Win-win.

13. Quality Tumblr

Once you try a Yeti or Hydroflask, you can’t go back to any other Tumblr because their ability to keep drinks cold is superb. It was one of the greatest gifts I ever received. I do have a strong preference for Hydroflasks, though.

14. Restaurant Giftcards

Which student would not appreciate food? I think gift cards are the way to go when you don’t know what to give people. I would love a gift card to Chipotle, thank you very much. Or even for Amazon. Or Starbucks. Great choices here.

15. White Coat Pin

These are for the people who would like to jazz up their white coats with pretty pins. I personally really like the stethoscope and Caduceus brooch. And I guess the ob-gyns would definitely like the cute uterus brooch, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Thanks for getting to the bottom of my list! I created this list because I would personally have loved getting these are holiday gifts as a medical student. They would guarantee to love something on this list. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!

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