Medical School

10 Best Tips in Dating a Medical Student

As a medical student, I wouldn’t even date myself. That’s not because I’m mean or unpleasant by any means, or at least I don’t think I am, but it’s simply that medical students are too busy. I definitely appreciate my partner for being understanding, but it’s also easier for my relationship to work because he …

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Medical School

How To Be Successful in Medical School

The number one thing you have to keep in mind in order to be successful in medical school is pretty much one thing: repetition. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those students that are really good at memorizing a lot of things very quickly, rather, I love learning subjects that are more conceptual. I like taking …

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Medical School

How I Spend Only $100 on Food Per Month in Medical School 2020

I don’t skimp on essential foods when I’m budgeting. For every meal, I still want my balanced portions of protein, veggies, and carbs, but I still manage to save a lot of money on food expenses because I strictly stick to my monthly budget goals. That actually leaves me enough money to even buy emergency …

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Medical School

Do Medical Students Get Breaks?

The answer to this question, yes, but it depends. The reason for this is because it depends on the year in medical school, and so, I have laid out specifically the extent of long breaks during the course of medical school. But the truth is, we really don’t get too much of a break. The …

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Medical School

Why Second Year is the Worst Year in Medical School

All the upperclassmen that told me that the second year was going to be better, they are lies. Now, I’m not saying it isn’t interesting. I think what we’re learning in the second year is fascinating compared to the first year, but second-year is just insanely hard. Much, much harder than the first year. I’ll …

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Medical School

My First Anxiety Attack in Medical School

As many people would know, medical school is not easy. Students are not only under the pressure of learning an insane amount of information in a short amount of time but also managing to not let the studying swallow them whole. Well, sometimes the studying does overrun us and swallow us whole. I’m not saying …

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Medical School

Day in the Life of a Med Student (During Quarantine)

Well, as if medical school isn’t stressful enough, there’s the quarantine.  But little do people know, there’s actually not much change in our lives during the quarantine, you know why? Because we always stay indoors anyway!  Studying all the time, you know? There’s the downside of not being able to study at Starbucks, which is a huge …

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